Screwing in the adjustment pin will produce a heavier stream and increase saturation near the sprink,ler.,For part circle operaton, flip trip pin down and adjust coiiars so pin trips desired right and left ,arm position.,For full circle operation, flip trip pin up to clear both clooars.,Adjusts from, 20 to full circle and any position in between.,Hig impact plastic body.,1/2`` threaded inlets for connection to piping, side and bottom.,Excellent for small to meduum turf areas. ,Consturcion: High impact plastic & stainless steel parts.,Easy to install, Safe for foot traffic., ,,
Heavy Duty Plastic Construction.,Anti-Backsplash Driver Arm For Reduced Splash.,Stainless Steel Drive Spring & Trip Spring.,Stream Straightener Vane Built Into Nozzle For Improved Coverage.,20 to 340
Model (Single nozzle) & (Double nozzle),Features:,*Snap in nozzles in single or double configuration.,*Standard frost and dust protection for spring.,*Adjustable spring tension to allow for precise r