Change color by UV light. We have 6 colors which are Red(#19), Orange(#17), Yellow(#16), Blue(#14), Sky Blue(#13), and Purple(#12). The photochromic materials have many types. OP: Dye. Suitable for glasses. MC: Micro-Capsulate Powder. Suitable for both oil and water base ink. High color intensity. PS: OP+PS. Suitable for oil base ink. Slurry: Water base pigments. Suitable for water base ink. MB: Masterbatch. Suitable for injection and extrusion.
Change color by UV light. We have 6 colors which are Red(#19), Orange(#17), Yellow(#16), Blue(#14), Sky Blue(#13), and Purple(#12). The photochromic materials have many types. OP: Dye. Suitable for g
Change color by heat. The thermochromic pigments are colorful when the temperature is below the design point, and turn to colorless when the temperature is above the turn-point. We have 15 colors, an
Long term Fragrance for more than 6 monthes. Suitable for sticker and Textile. We have 15 standard Fragrances for both oil and water base, and have 50 more can select.