Впрыска топлива Tester Kit - Auto Repair Tool
KA-7042 Fuel Injection Tester Kit CONTENTS: 1 V 1/4x1/4 inch Pipe Plug 1 V 8mm-1.00 Banjo Bolt Adapter 2 V 5/16x1/4 inch NPT Hose Barb 1 V 10mm-1.00 Banjo Bolt Adapter 2 V 1/4x1/4 inch NPT Hose
Fuel Injector Cleaner Kit-Авто Ремонт Инструмент
Fuel Injector Cleaner Kit- Auto Repair Tools The opening of a fuel injector is about the width of a human hair. Deposits at the tip can impact fuel flow upsetting the air/ fuel mixture Symptoms: hesi