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zhengzhou hoo chemtec co.,ltd.
No. 7, Dongqing Street


HEDP Corrosion Inhibitor is an organic phosphoric acid corrosion inhibitor. It can chelate with Fe, Cu, and Zn ions to form stable chelating compounds. It can dissolve the oxidized materials on these metals' surfaces. Application: 1. HEDP Corrosion Inhibitor is used as scale and corrosion inhibition in circulatingcool water system, oil field and low-pressure boilers in fields such as electric power, chemical industry, metallurgy, fertilizer, etc. 2. In light woven industry, HEDP Corrosion Inhibitor is used as detergent for metal and nonmetal. 3. In dyeing industry, HEDP Corrosion Inhibitor is used as peroxide stabilizer and dye-fixing agent. 4. In non-cyanide electroplating, HEDP Corrosion Inhibitor is used as chelating agent.The dosage of 1-10mg/L is preferred as scale inhibitor, 10-50mg/L as corrosion inhibitor, and 1000-2000mg/L as detergent. 5. Usually, HEDP Corrosion Inhibitor is used together with polycarboxylic acid.
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Другие товары этого производителя :
Polyacrylamide/PAM ()
Polyacrylamide is, simply called PAM, a water- soluble high polymer and widely used in petroleum, paper-making, metallurgical, textile, chemical and environment protection fields. There are three cate
Поли алюминиевый хлорид железа ПССЛ
Polyaluminium ferric chloride PAFC (Поли алюминиевый хлорид железа ПССЛ)
Химическое название: Polyaluminium трехвалентного ПССЛ хлоридИспользование: очистка водыCAS 1327-41-9 НетEINECS 215-477-2 НетК
Polyaluminum Chloride/PAC ()
Polyaluminium chloride is high-efficient,cheap and nontoxic inorganic high molecular compound. It's easily soluble in water. In the hydrolytic process,it is accompanied with the chemical processes suc
silica gel ()
Application:- 1. Silica Gel is mainly used for gas purification on silica gel, desiccant, air humidity adjusting agent and a catalyst carrier,And refined petrochemical products for the separation and
Дихлороизоцианурата натрия SDIC
Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate SDIC (Дихлороизоцианурата натрия SDIC)
Дихлороизоцианурата натрия SDIC1.CAS НЕТ 2893-78-9   EINECS 220-767-7 Нет2.MF: C3N3O3Cl2Na3.Apearance: Белый порошок, гранулы или таб
Натрий Гексаметафосфат ШМП
Sodium Hexametaphosphate SHMP (Натрий Гексаметафосфат ШМП)
Имя: натрия Гексаметафосфат ШМПCAS NO.:10124-56-8не EINECS No .: 233-343-1MF: (NaPO3) 6Внешний вид: белый порошокПрименение: Обработ
триполифосфата натрия 94% STPP
sodium tripolyphosphate 94% STPP (триполифосфата натрия 94% STPP)
триполифосфата натрия 94% STPP: ПродуктНЕТ CAS 7758-29-4не EINECS No .: 231-838-7MF: Na5P3O10Применение: Используется в качестве доба
Trichloroisocyanuric кислота TCCA
Trichloroisocyanuric acid TCCA (Trichloroisocyanuric кислота TCCA)
Trichloroisocyanuric кислота TCCA1.Name: Trichloroisocyanuric кислота2.Appearance: порошок, гранулированный, чешуйчатый 8-30 меш, 20-60mesh.3.Molecular
acticated carbon ()
We are instrumental in manufacturing, exporting and supplying Activated Carbon which is widely used in the fields of drinking water & waste water treatment, gas purification, chemical industry, food i

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