First came the roller skates followed by the skateboard then roller blades, well now the next generation is here with the all inclusive Powerskip!Much like the powerskip for adults but now made for the little people. Fun for the whole family!Imagine, you can take one step 2~3meters and also jump 1~2meters high when you use it.Powerskip is the next extreme sport for kid`s. Everyone will want a set of these jumping shoes, you will be the most popular kid on your block.Good for losing weight and a great form of physical exercise. Enjoy incredible height and speed with your powerskip.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Features:Powerskip Adults Models:M60:Suit weight (51-60kg, 110~132 lbs),M70:Suit weight (61~70kg, 133~155 lbs),M80:Suit weight (70~80kg, 156~176 lbs),M90:Suit weight (81~90kg, 177~198 lbs),M100:Suit weight (91~100kg, 199~220 lbs),M110:Suit weight (101~110kg, 221~243 lbs),M120:Suit weight (111~110kg, 244~265 lbs),Measurement: 91cm x 29cm x 40cmN/W: 7.5KG /PairG/W: 9.5KG/PairColor: red, blue, black, yellow280 cartons/20 feet container585cartons/40 feet containerPowerskip Kids Models:F30: Suit weight (suit forF40: Suit weight (suit for 31~40kg, 66~88 lbs)F50: Suit weight (suit for 41~50kg, 89~110 lbs )F60: Suit weight (suit for 51~60kg, 111~132 lbs)Measurement: 63cm x 28cm x 32cmN/W:4.2KG /PairG/W: 6.5KG/PairColor: red,blue,black504 cartons /20 ` container1064 cartons /40` container
With design inspired by the surf / skate / ski /snowboard / motocross concepts. Get the same rush anywhere anytime. This is one of the most innovative products bar none.Sports a high output 49cc motor
First came the roller skates followed by the skateboard then roller blades, well now the next generation is here with the all inclusive powerskip!Much like the powerskip for adults but now made for th
We are the producer in china, who have own legal patent number and ce certificate. Welcome to inquiry. We also make the product acoording to your own trademark.Powerskip/poweriser/powerizer/flyjumper
1. New style board that everybody can enjoy easily with their own style.The board has a style structure that enables everybody. From children to senior citizen. To board and safety. Also you can devel
With design inspired by the surf/skate/ski/snowboard/motocross concepts. Get the same rush anywhere anytime. This is one of the most innovative products bar none.Sports a high output 49cc motor so you
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