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Телефония, коммуникации и сети /  Оборудование для беспроводных сетей /  Дополнительное оборудование для беспроводных сетей / 
Информация о производителе
Icm International Consulting&Marketing
Lavontin 7, Tel Aviv, Israel, Israel


ICM is proude to sell Motorola 2 way communication, in very good rate, world wide!For cevilian market and for security market!
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Другие товары этого производителя :
Anti Похищение устройства
 Anti Kidnapping Device (Anti Похищение устройства)
ICM has the honor to introduce the security community with this incredible device. Imagine what is the surprise for the criminal when he use this device!!!!AKD device - anti kidnapping device is a sof
 BulletProof Vest (Бронежилет)
Bullet proof vest, level 3a. The vest is designed with external pockets for magazines, special pouce, communication pouch. We can put you desired mags as: Ak-47, mp-5, uzi, steyr etc.
Пуленепробиваемый жилет
 Bulletproof Vest (Пуленепробиваемый жилет)
Bullet proof vest with collar and groin protection. The vest is level 3a, with 2 pockets for ceramic plates 25x30 cm. You can get a design with internal/external pocket. In use in our police, army, sp
 BulletProof Vest (Бронежилет)
Anti bullet proof vest. Level 3A, can reach level 4 with a ceramic plate or famastone. In use in our special forces, military, police, law enforcement.Each vest is full tested with COC(certificate of

Так же в категории "Дополнительное оборудование для беспроводных сетей":
 Hydraulic Cylinder
 Rabbit TV Antenna
 Communication Antenna
 Digital Communications Optical Module
 S-FT-0120 FM Transmitter 2 Frequency Without USB AM USD1.05/PC
S-FT-0120 ...
 USB Bluetooth Dongles
USB Blueto...
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