Our T&B FC brand has the function of Automatic Thread Trimmer, boring embroider, towel embroider, cording embroider, coiling embroider, chain embroider, chenille embroider, which can meet special requirements from different customers.
Our T&B FC brand has the function of Automatic Thread Trimmer, boring embroider, towelEmbroider, cording embroider, coiling embroider, chain embroider, chenille embroider, which can meet special requi
This welding machine adjusts its voltage by changing the winding turn and the commutation switch. It assures many advantages, for example good welding ability, stable arc burning, reliable use expedie
This welding machine adjusts its voltage by changing the winding turn and the commutationswitch. It assures many advantages, for example good welding ability, stablearc burning, reliable use expedient