Меламин Hotel Ware (Majestic Brand)
Hotel melamine (MAJESTIC BRAND)Ref: Item detailsM-h-1a: Soup/deep plate 182mmM-h-2a: Flat plate 182mmM-h-3a: Soup/deep plate 218mmM-h-4a: Flat plate 238mmM-h-4b: Flat plate 228mmM-h-5a: Flat plate 195
Пикник таблице & Ware
Different capacities of 7 Ltr,15 ltr,25 Ltr,40 Ltr,60 Ltr Sizes & colors are available, even your own logos/designs can also be printed on so that these items can be used as Gift or Sales promotion.
We can manufacture Differnt sizes shapes & color, even logos of your own. To use as gift or sales promotional items also.
Стекло ящиками
Glass crate to keep 24 glassInside special water proof & flexible foam, foam is washable.Can save your precious glasses from schocks and avoid breakageUsed to store the drinking & vine glasses in a sa
Aluminium cooking pans with solid aluminum handless, different capacity sizes availableAluminium cooking pans with wire handle aluminium pans different capacity sizes availableAluminium cooking pans w
Стекло ящиками
This versatile Glass Crate can hold 24 VINE & OTHER Drinking glasses, its outer is made of Plastic and inner spacers are made of special type of foaming material, which is washable and durable. Due to
Серой ткани & окрашенная ткань
We are manufacturing high quality grey cloth & dyed fabric of following constructions in big quantity on regular basis.30 x 30/76 x 68 110 inch (279.40 cm) pc30 x 30/76 x 68 114 inch (289.56 cm) pc30
Горячее блюдо Держите Райс & пищи в горячем
To keep food hot & coolInside PU inulation filledFood grade plasticsRemoveable stainless steel bowlAvailable in 3 colorsPacking 12 pcs master cartonSingle gift box packing available
Тушеное мясо с картофелем
Our Hot pot is made on latest technology, i.e. P.U insulation not thermopore. We supply it in 3 sizes set. it can be used to keep food, bread, cooked rice hot for 12 hours, and can be used as storage