We have over 5000 pcs of quality metal frames in various styles for clearence sale.Price US$2.50Min Order 500 pcsSend enquiry with email address we will send pictures of all models.*No free Samples
Биомедицинских 55 объективов
We have limited quantity of Biomedic 55 (Non Aspheric) with blisters labeled as "55 UV Soft Contact Lens". Contact us for price and details.
Контактные линзы,
We offer BIOMEDIC 55 ( 6 LENS ) at special clearence offer . Stock available over 7000 boxes.The packing is clean without any restritive marking.Contact us for pictures and price.
Цветные контактные линзы-Colourvue
Checkout some of new exciting Fusion Color and Big Eyes Lense, especially the beautiful Sexy Brown.The contact lens fans has been bored with the same3 tones for years. Here is the Revolution. . .Somet
Цвета Big Eyes Контактные линзы
Beautiful Dark Circle / Big Eyes Designs.Monthly , Quaterly and Yearly lenses.ColourVUE is a High Quality Disposable Contact Lens. Remarkably Comfort on Eye result of new patented material unlike most
ColourVUE 3 Tone - The Perfect Blend
Detailed Product DescriptionBreakthrough in color contact lens.This design combines 3 tone with natural design that doesnt create too drastick color change. The color blends very well with eye and cre