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Медицина и фармацевтика /  Фармацевтические препараты /  Лекарственные препараты / 
Информация о производителе
Shanghai Xudong Haipu Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
No.879, Jinhu Road, Jinqiao, Pudong, Shanghai, Shanghai, China (Mainland)


Suxamethonium chloride is a depolarizing skeletal muscle relaxant. It is rapid onset and brief duration following intravenous administration. Suxamethonium chloride is used as an adjunct to general anesthesia to facilitate endotracheal intubation and also can be used to reduce the intensity of muscle contractions induced by convulsant diseases such as tetanus etc. Muscular relaxation maintained for longer time may be difficult. It can be used for tracheoscopy, esophagoscopy occasionally.
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Другие товары этого производителя :
Трамадол Hcl длительного высвобождения таблетки
For the treatment of painful conditions, Tramadol 50mg to 100mg can be administered as needed for relief every eight hours, not to exceed 400mg per day. For moderate and more severe pain, 50mg is usua
Citicoline Инъекции
 Citicoline Injection (Citicoline Инъекции)
We are one the few producers who could provide many specifications for citicoline injection, our raw material is imported from Japan to ensure its high quality.It have been sucessfully registered and
Кларитромицин капсулы
 Clarithromycin Capsules (Кларитромицин капсулы)
Treatment of infections caused by pathogens sensitive to Clarithromycin, infection of the rhinopharyngeal tract (tonsillitics, pharingitis), and of the Para nasal sinuses. Infections of the lower resp
Подворье меглумина Diatrizoate
 Compound Meglumine Diatrizoate (Подворье меглумина Diatrizoate)
Diagnostic aids, used in radiography of urinary system, coronary-angio-graphy,Cerebral-angiography, and angiography.
Изосорбид мононитрат
 Isosorbide Mononitrate (Изосорбид мононитрат)
Long-term treatment of angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease and chronic congestive heart failure.
Амикацин сульфат инъекций
This drug is applicable to septicemia, urinary tract infection, skin soft tissue infection, bone and joint infection, pneumonia and Lower respiratory tract infection induced by amikacin-sensitive and
As the first specific injection form producer in China founded in 1925, our antibiotics medications covers the following products:Amikacin sulfate injectionClarithromycin capsulesClindamycin phosphate
Ципрофлоксацин лактат Инъекции
Ciprofloxacin Inj.The effect of sterilization is 2-4 times than that of Norfloxacin, through inhibiting the activity of DNA spiralase and depressing the replication of DNA.
Подворье гидроксипрогестерона капроата Inj.
It is used for female only, long term effect for contraception.

Так же в категории "Лекарственные препараты":
Methacin (Indomethacin Gel 10 gm/gm)
Meth in (...
Fluene (Fluconazole Cap 50 mg, Injection 2mg/ml)
Fluene (ф...
Simethicone 20mg calcium carbonate 280mg magnesium hydroxide 128mg (Simegel)
Clindamycin 150mg Cap.(Vicin)
Nakasser Pellet SR cap. 120mg (BE)
Nakasser ...
Senin (Ginkgo biloba estract 40mg F.C.Tab. 9.6mg)
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