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Медицина и фармацевтика /  Фармацевтические препараты /  Лекарственные препараты / 
Информация о производителе
Shanghai Xudong Haipu Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
No.879, Jinhu Road, Jinqiao, Pudong, Shanghai, Shanghai, China (Mainland)


As the first specific injection form producer in China founded in 1925, our antibiotics medications covers the following products:Amikacin sulfate injectionClarithromycin capsulesClindamycin phosphate injectionLincomycin HCL injectionErythromycin enteric-coated tabletsOfloxacin tabletsCiparofloxacin lactate injectionEtc.
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Другие товары этого производителя :
Ципрофлоксацин лактат Инъекции
Ciprofloxacin Inj.The effect of sterilization is 2-4 times than that of Norfloxacin, through inhibiting the activity of DNA spiralase and depressing the replication of DNA.
Подворье гидроксипрогестерона капроата Inj.
It is used for female only, long term effect for contraception.
Дроперидол инъекций
It is used as an adjuvant of operation-anaesthesia, and often used in conjunction with an analgestic such as fentanyl.
Лекарства для Антихолинергические
We could fully provide the following drugs for anticholinergic for your interests:Suxamethonium chloride injectionGalantamine hydrobromide injectionetc
Лекарственные средства для сердечно-сосудистой системы (GMP)
Our drugs for cardiovascular system are listed as follows:Captoril tabletsCiticoline injectionDeslanoside injectionIsosorbide mononitrate injectionI. M. Sustanined release capsulesMetoprolol tartrate
specifications; 4mg 10*2mlpacking size: 59*45*17.5 cmG.W: 13 kgvalidity date: 3 years
Фторурацил Инъекции
Fluorouracil is used in the palliation of inoperable malignant neoplasms of the gastro-intestinal tract, breast, colon and pancreas. It is also used by intra-arterial infusion in the treatment of tumo
Галантамин гидробромид Inj
It is used in the treatment of myasthenia, myopathy, and poliomyelitis, low strength smooth muscle of gastro-intestinal tract and vesica urinaria andenuresis. It is also used as antidote of curare.
Галоперидол Инъекции
Haloperidol Injection.Treatment of schizophrenia and acute mania.Interested people pls contact.

Так же в категории "Лекарственные препараты":
Gentaderm (Gentamycin sulfate Cream 1 mg/gm)
Gentaderm ...
Methacin (Indomethacin Gel 10 gm/gm)
Meth in (�...
Tobramycin/Eye Drop 3mg/ml(Cleo)
 Chondroitin Sulphate
 Sulbactam Pivoxil
 Magnesium Aluminum Silicate Gel
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