Адрес: # 205 / Seonwon Bldg. , 284-16, Hawangsimri-Dong, Seongdong-Gu, Seoul, Seoul, South Korea
Телефон: +82-2-22959935
>- Unique Design in the World- Best Choice for Vehicle Security & Safety* Record & Playback Four(4) Channel Video, Audio & Sensor Event in Vehicle* Storing GPS Coordinate, Speed, Front/Rear Door & IR Sensor Data* Specially Designed Removable HDD- Lowest price & Largest Capacity of HDD* Perfect Anti-Shock & Vibration- Specially Designed 3D Stainless Wire-Spring* Retrieve & Playback Stored Data by Sensor Event Conditions* Playback Stored Videos on PC by using Docking Station* Prevent Accident, Safety for Passengers and Safe Driving* Very Easy Use of Digital Data Retrieval Functions* Can be used for any vehicle such as Aircraft and Ship
>Pob-1000 is oxygen supplier product for brain workers - student, professor, researcher, analyst,.......It supplies clean air, synchronized brain-wave(alpha), plenitude of oxygen content for improving
>- Automatically Motion Detectiong Digital Camear- Single Channel Camera Input- Single Channel Sensor Input- Single Channel Alarm Out- Storing Images into SD Card in std. JPG Format- Auto. Storing by
>Oxy Bank PA-100 is the best air-purifier product in the world for removing particles(PM10), the key factor of indoor air pollution, which also has excellent efficiencies or removal of poisonous patho