Fabric quality: T180-220 thread count and printed aproximately 60 to 70 designs.:(quantity:40` fcl)Twin size @ price USD 4.00/setQuantity 3000 sets. (6 set each carton)1xflat sheet 66"x96"+2
Cottonn Sataen T350
Cotton sataen t3504/PC setAll sizes availableColors white and also othere colours availbaleSoft shining sheet set
Жаккардовые Чехлы
Jacquard cushion cover only in 0.65/USD FOBFabric jacquardSize 16x16 inchesFancy cord all around + zip
PC постельное белье
PC bed sheet fitted sheet 2pillowFabric, PC 76/68Yarn count 30 x 30/PC(bed heet are also avalibale in other fabric,76/52 35x 35 PCFabric,96/76 36 x 36 percaelFabric 100/80 40 x 40 percael, )Range of c
T 300 Кровать подшивок Для гостиниц
4/PC bed sheet set, for hotell1 flat sheet,1 fitted,2 pilow case,Fabric: T300 cotton sateenColors: White, bone, and othere colors avalibaleSizes: USATwin, @ 14/USD cnfFull, @ 17/USD cnfQueen, @ 20/USD