Information sur le fabricant
Société : Automaxs Parts Mfg. Factory |
Adresse : Kanmen Science and Technology Industrial Zone, Yuhuan, Zhejiang, China (Mainland) Zip: 314400 |
Téléphone : +86-573-7300022 |
Nom du p duit: Wheel Hub Unité Numé de modèle: AM-C002 Lieu d`origine: Chine Le moyeu de ue portant principalement d`assemblage dans BCA nombre que nous fabriquons sont: 510008, 510024, 510038, 510088, 512000, 512001, 512002, 512004, 512006, 512008, 512009, 512010, 512012, 512016, 512018, 512020, 512021, 512022, 512023, 512024, 512025, 512029, 512032, 512034, 512036, 512039, 512057, 512078, 512082, 512089, 512105, 512106, 512107, 512118, 512225, 512226, 512133, 512136, 512137, 512143, 512144, 512149, 512150, 512151, 512152, 512154, 512155, 512156, 512167, 512172, 512176, 512178, 512179, 512225, 513001, 513002, 513006, 513009, 513011K, 513012, 513013, 513016K, 513017K, 513018, 513019, 513020, 513022, 513024, 513030, 513032, 513033, 513035, 513036, 513041, 513042, 513044, 513050, 513059, 513061, 513062, 513074, 513075 , 513077, 513079, 513080, 513081, 513084, 513085, 513087, 513088, 513089, 513090, 513092, 513093, 513094, 513096, 513098, 513099, 513100, 513104, 513105, 513107, 513111, 513112, 513115, 513117, 513121 , 513122, 513123, 513124, 513125, 513133, 513135, 513137, 513138, 513151, 513152, 513153, 513156, 513157, 513158, 513159, 513164, 513167, 513171, 513172, 513173, 513179, 513188, 513202, 513213, 515000 , 515001, 515002, 515003, 515004, 515005, 515006, 515007, 515008, 515009, 515010, 515012, 515013, 515014, 515016, 515017, 515018, 515019, 515020, 515021, 515024, 515025, 515026, 515027, 515031, 515032 , 515033, 515036, 515038, 515039, 515041, 515042, 515055, 518500, 518501, 518502, 518503, 518504, 518505, 518506, 518507 Nous of ons des ulemen auto pour plusieurs voitures de marque, telle que GMC, Volkswagen, Nissan, Opel, Fiat, Buick, Ford, Chev let, Chev let, O smobile, Ponitiac, Dodge, Comanche Grand Che kee, Jeep Grand Che kee, Cadillac, Acura, BMW, Benz, Hyundai, Toyota, Honda, Acura, Honda, Toyota, Mazda , Nissan, Infiniti, Subaru, Chryslet, Mi ubishi, Mazda, Isuzu, Daweoo, Kia, Volve, Jetta, Cit en, Peguent et ainsi d