L'anglais Le Russe L'allemand    |    Aide
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Description du produit
Matières premières /  Minéraux En métal / 
Information sur le fabricant
Société :
Adresse :
Houcang Village, Shiqie District
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Produced by powder metallurgical method with chemical composition of NdFeB High resistance to demagnetization High magnetic values (Br, bHc, iHC und (BH)max) Excellent cost to performance ratio Reasonable temperature stability Very brittle & hard Poorest corrosion resistance of all commercial magnetic materials Not suitable for application which exposed in high temperature conditions
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D'autres marchandises de ce producteur :
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Produced by powder metallurgical method with chemical composition of Nd2Fe14B High resistance to demagnetization High magnetic values (Br, bHc, iHC und (BH)max) Excellent cost to perfo
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Produced by powder metallurgical method with chemical composition of NdFeB High resistance to demagnetization High magnetic values (Br, bHc, iHC und (BH)max) Excellent cost to performa
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Produced by powder metallurgical method with chemical composition of Nd2Fe14B High resistance to demagnetization High magnetic values (Br, bHc, iHC und (BH)max) Excellent cost to perfo

"Minéraux En métal":
 Egg Holder
Egg Holde...
 Perforated Metal
 Fused Magnesia
Fused Mag...
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