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Description du produit
Composantes Électroniques & Parties /  Composantes Électroniques /  Résonateurs de Quartz / 
Information sur le fabricant
Société :
Xiamen Dnd Optics Co Ltd
Adresse :
NO62,Huliyuan,Tong`an Industrial Concentration Area,Tong`an District,
Téléphone :


Nd:YAG Laser CrystalNd:YAG CrystalNd:YAG is still the important solid laser material with the most excellent comprehensive properties up to now.The non-core and nondislocation Nd:YAG was granted the first prize in the National Quality Competition. 
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D'autres marchandises de ce producteur :
Cr4+:YAG LASER Crystal ()
Cr4+:YAG LASER CrystalChromium Doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet Cr4+:YAG CrystalA High Power, Solid State and Compact Passive Q-switchPassive Q-Switching is preferred for simplicity of manufacturing and

"Résonateurs de Quartz":
Crystal Oscillator
Crystal Os...
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