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Description du produit
Équipement Industriel /  Autres Matériel Industriel /  Matériel d`Abrasifs / 
Information sur le fabricant
Société :
Beijing Tong Ma abrasives Co.,Ltd
Adresse :
F367 .NO.1 FengTai District Beijing China bjtm5899@126.com
Téléphone :


400x40x203Green silicon carbide grinding wheelgreen silicon carbide materials, especially suitable for the grinding of high hardness, brittleness material, such as glass, hard alloy
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D'autres marchandises de ce producteur :
400x40x203White Aluminum Oxide Grinding wheels ()
400x40x203White Aluminum Oxide Grinding wheelsfor grinding, high hardness of the steel, such as high speed steel, high carbon steel, hardened steel, alloy steel, I plant the p
400x50x127Black silicon carbide grinding wheel ()
400x50x127Black silicon carbide grinding wheelfor grinding, low tensile strength of the material, such as gray cast iron, non-ferrous metals, non-metallic, as well as stone, c
400x50x127White Aluminum Oxide Grinding wheels ()
400x50x127White Aluminum Oxide Grinding wheelsfor grinding, high hardness of the steel, such as high speed steel, high carbon steel, hardened steel, alloy steel, I plant the production of white corund
400x50x203Black silicon carbide grinding wheel ()
400x50x203Black silicon carbide grinding wheelfor grinding, low tensile strength of the material,  such as gray cast iron, non-ferrous metals, non-metallic, as well as &n
400x50x203White Aluminum Oxide Grinding wheels ()
400x50x203White Aluminum Oxide Grinding wheelsfor grinding, high hardness of the steel, such as high speed steel, high carbon steel, hardened steel, alloy steel, I plant the p
400X80X110Medical Needle Grinding Wheel ()
Grinding wheel for hypodermic needles ae the appropriative wheel for hypodermic needles (medical needles, medicinal needles), speed could be 50m/s. It works with a good homogeneity and high efficiency
400×40×203Pink Aluminum Oxide grinding wheels ()
400×40×203Pink Aluminum Oxide  grinding  wheelsMainly used for all  kinds of cutting tools, measuring  tools, instruments, parts of the  grindi
400×50×127Pink Aluminum Oxide grinding wheels ()
400×50×127Pink Aluminum Oxide  grinding  wheelsMainly used for all  kinds of cutting tools, measuring  tools, instruments, parts of the  grindi
400×50×127Pink Aluminum Oxide grinding wheels ()
400×50×127Pink Aluminum Oxide  grinding  wheelsMainly used for all kinds of cutting tools, measuring  tools, instruments, parts of the  grinding and

"Matériel d`Abrasifs":
 Sand Paper, Grinding Wheel & Abrasive Cloth Roll
Sand Pape...
 Sanding Sponge
Sanding S...
 Flap Disc
Flap Disc
 Flexible Aluminum Oxide Cloth
Flexible ...
 Flap Wheel
Flap Whee...
 Triangular Silicon Carbide Abrasive Paper
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