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Description du produit
Équipement Industriel /  Équipement de Construction /  Machines de Construction / 
Information sur le fabricant
Société :
Zhengzhou Dayu asphalt plants Co., Ltd.
Adresse :
No.18, Dongfeng Road
Téléphone :


DHB20 asphalt drums mixing plant supplierApplication of conductive asphalt concrete will be a good solution to the low temperature cracking of bitumen pavement using electrothermal effect of conductive asphalt concrete in the cold season of the asphalt pavement is heated, its temperature can reach a suitable value, asphalt concrete is bestthe use of the temperature range. The most fundamental reason for use of conductive asphalt concrete from the low temperature of the asphalt pavement cracking start, to avoid its use in low-temperature state, and its low-temperature cracking problem is a better solution, as well as comprehensive pavement snow and ice. Northern China cold in winter and hot in summer, more demanding requirements of the asphalt pavement of high temperature stability and low temperature crack resistance. Conductive asphalt concrete resolves its low temperature crack resistance without affecting its high temperature stability, so the asphalt mixture design to focus on its high temperature stability, the two tend to reunification. With electrothermal effect of conductive asphalt concrete bitumen softening, is conducive to the closure of the cracks in the asphalt pavement, eliminated. It can restrict and eliminate the low temperature of the asphalt pavement cracks, which has broad application prospects for improving the performance of the pavement, extending its life.Material Supply System of dayu DHB20.It can make aggregate material of four different sizes mixed well according to the construction requirement, for the oversized grain, it will be separated by the middle screen, and the qualified material will be conveyed into drying drum by tilted belt conveyer. here:http://www.chinaasphaltplants.com/,http://www.chinaasphaltplants.com/News/35-PHILCONSTRUCT-2011-Exhibition.html,http://www.chinaasphaltplants.com/about-us.html. Dayu asphalt plants mainly including burning system, drying drum, dust catcher, mixing tower, bitumen tank, cold aggregate supplying system, electric control room, etc.Batching TypeLB500 40TPHLB800 64TPHLB1000 80TPHLB1200 100TPHLB1500 120TPHLB2000 160TPHLB2500 200TPHLB3000 240TPHDrum MixerSLB ModelWBZ1000 Series
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