In the tradition of quick-frozen food dumplings, glutinous rice balls market situation basic stable, many enterprises try to differential products occupy the market, in 2011 this year, frozen noodles, frozen cooked noodle, frozen steamed noodle, frozen beef noodles -- frozen noodle with another child in family. A series of frozen noodle market, can put domestic frozen food industry into the era of" noodles". Frozen noodles in water, the freezing process will influence the noodles taste, in consumer demand food convenient, safety health care, nutrition and refreshing times, improvement of frozen noodle quality, flavor aid became a producer. And sodium alginate is a consistent with the pursuit of health concept, which can effectively improve the frozen noodles taste of natural functional food additives. Sodium alginate from brown algae plant extract of a natural polysaccharide, which has distinctive gel, thickening, emulsifying properties, widely used in food industry. It is actually a kind of natural cellulose, can slow down the fat sugar and bile salt absorption, have lower serum cholesterol, triglyceride in blood and the role of glucose, can prevent hypertension, diabetes, obesity and other modern disease; in the intestine can inhibit harmful metals such as cadmium, lead, strontium accumulation in vivo; at home and abroad has been taken seriously by the people. The Japanese have rich in sodium alginate food called "longevity food", the Americans called it a " wonderful food additives". Frozen noodles in the industrialized production of the most common problem is boiled in water, surface adhesion; taste, texture, smoothness poor and other issues; the freezing process, ice crystals form on the noodles itself causes certain machine.Mechanical damage, make the noodles in the complex heat off a rate increase. And sodium alginate used in the noodles can enhance protein flour bonding force, prevent soluble starch and nutrient exudation, raise the dough.Exhibition, improve taste and surface adhesion problems; sodium alginate can also improve the frozen noodle shear, the frozen noodles increases the hardness, adhesion to reduce, increase the noodles biting strength and smoothness, effectiveTo improve the frozen noodles taste; more important is sodium alginate in noodle frozen process can slow down the formation of ice crystals, reducing noodle mechanical damage, reduce the noodles complex after the thermal breaking rate. In the frozen noodlesContaining 0.3% sodium alginate, can well improve the quality of frozen noodles. Sodium alginate as a natural, healthy and functional food additive, in Japan, Europe and the United States and other countries have been widely used in flour products, meat products, beverages such as food industry, in recent years, in our country is also slowSlow known by others, research, and application. At present, Qingdao bright moon seaweed group as the world's largest alginate production base, available to the majority of users to provide quality of sodium alginate and its ingredients.
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