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Description du produit
Équipement Industriel /  Équipement de Metalworking /  Équipement pour le Traitement de Surface / 
Information sur le fabricant
Société :
Worldclean Industrial Co., Ltd.
Adresse :
4F, No.1-21,Kuo-Jian Rd., Chien-Chen District
Téléphone :


Powder coating is a type of dry coating, which is applied as a free-flowing, dry powder. The main difference between a conventional liquid paint and a powder coating is that the powder coating does not require a solvent to keep the binder and filler parts in a liquid suspension form. The coating is typically applied electrostatically and is then cured under heat to allow it to flow and form a "skin." The powder may be a thermoplastic or a thermoset polymer. It is usually used to create a hard finish that is tougher than conventional paint. Powder coating is mainly used for coating of metals, such as "white goods", aluminium extrusions, and automobile and motorcycle parts. Newer technologies allow other materials, such as MDF (medium-density fibreboard), to be powder coated using different methods. The powder coating process involves three basic steps: 1. Pre-treatment: Removal of oil, soil, greases, metal oxides etc. by variety of chemical and mechanical methods. 2. The powder coating application: Applying the powder coating to metal objects is to spray the powder using an electrostatic gun. The gun imparts a negative electric charge on the powder, which is then sprayed towards the object, which is grounded. 3. Curing: Requiring a certain degree of temperature for a certain length of time in order to reach full cure and establish the full film properties for which the material was designed. The curing schedule could vary according to the manufacturer`s specifications. It can be accomplished by convection cure ovens or infrared cure ovens. We are able to supply a wide range of different kinds of powder coating systems of Horizontal and Vertical systems.
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D'autres marchandises de ce producteur :
Powder Coating System
Powder Coating System (Powder Coating System)
Thermolaquage est un type de revêtement sec, qui est appliqué comme un écoulement libre, de poudre sèche. La principale différence entre une peinture liquide assique et d`un revêtement en pou
Metal removal résiduelles
Residual metal removal (Metal removal résiduelles)
Metal removal résiduelles par échangeur d`ions pour le respect des limites admises pour les métaux lourds à une puissance de 1-20 m / h. C`est un type spécial d`échangeur d`ions (cations Séle
Retard plantes
Retardation plants (Retard plantes)
Retard des plantes pour la régénération d`acides et bai e processus contenant contaminer et / ou des ions métalliques inquiétan , c`est à dire bai e l`oxydation anodique et le décapage se bai e
Reverse-Osmose plantes
Reverse-Osmose plants (Reverse-Osmose plantes)
Reverse-Osmose plantes pour la production d`eau déminéralisée dans les étages de sortie différen .
Le TCCF - Filtre
The TCCF - Filter (Le TCCF - Filtre)
TCCF (tandem, en continu, le nettoyage, le système de filtre), un système continu, auto-nettoyage du filtre avec d`excellen résulta de filtration, ainsi que des hau responsables des médias de v
Installations de traitement des eaux usées de galvanoplastie boutiques, de la production chimique, la restauration de meubles, ainsi que l`émulsion de craquage plantes en fonction de l`état de la t
Alkali etching additives ()
Composed of various complexing agents, corrosion inhibitors, brightness regulator, cleaning agents and surface active agent. It has the following advantages, while comparing with the traditional alkal
Room temperature / high temperature sealing agent ()
This product is in light green powdered solid form. Composed of Ni-F compounds, including F polymers, promoting agent, stabilizer, and infiltration of suppression gray, metal cobalt salt, dispersing a
Smoke-free polishing agent ()
From inorganic acid, strong oxidizer, corrosion inhibitor, brightener, grey suppression agent, surfactant agent. It has the following advantages, while comparing with the traditional alkaline etching

"Équipement pour le Traitement de Surface":
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