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Pharma West As
Bockmans Vei 98 B, Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway

Blueberry Extract

Blueberry"the little miracle berry that keeps you young healthy and smart"The word is spreading that blueberries have much more to offer than good looks and great taste!It is called the worlds newest antioxidant star. Resent research has identified a berry that is s so powerful; it may actually help reverse the aging process.Anthocyanin, the pigment that makes the blueberry blue, is thought to be the major contributor to the high antioxidant activity levels in blueberries.In research labs throughout the world, blueberries are coming out on top as the disease-fighting food of the new millenium!The japanese call these berries vision fruit because they boost night vision.The berries can actually reverse the loss of short-term memory that happens as we age.The berries contain natural compounds that block urinary tract infections.As a fantastic antioxidant, it will clean all the cells in your body. You will look young and fresh longer than nature intended.No wonder this miracle berry is also called the fountain of youth and has become very popular in us.Facts about blueberry:* reverse short-term memory loss & the effects of agingResearch has shown that a blueberry-rich diet slows age-related loss in human`s mental capacity.The blueberry seems to repair the damage aging does to our brain.* reduce eyestrain and fatigue.Improved eyesight is another possible health benefit attributed to blueberries.Studies in usa is going on to find out the blueberri`s ability to prevent macular degeneration, aDisease of the retina and the leading cause of blindness in people over age 65.* promote urinary tract health.Researchers at rutgers university in new jersey, usa have identified a compound in blueberriesThat promotes urinary tract health and reduces risk of infection. It appears to work by preventing bacteria from adhering to the cells that line the walls of the urinary tract.* reduce build-up of " bad " cholesterol.Scientists at the university of california, usa say blueberries may reduce the building-up of soCalled bad cholesterol that contributes to cardiovascular disease and stroke. AntioxidantsAre believed to be the active component.Looking for importers/distributors in europe, especially in scandinavia, iceland, baltic states and finland.

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