Address: Bockmans Vei 98 B, Trondheim, Sor Trondelag, Norway
Phone: +47-72-553743
Agaricus Blazei Murill
Agaricus Blazei Murill " Gods Mushroom"Agaricus Blazei Murill (ABM) is a mushroom originally discovered in the rainforest of Sao Paulo Brazil about 30 years ago.ABM is traditionally known in Brazil as "Gods Mushroom" or " Royal Agaricus" because of its benefits for a wide range of health conserns.Traditionally people have used the tea made from ABM to support immunehealth, cardiovascular health, digestion, fatigue and to support liver health. Everyone can benefit from enhancement of their immune system to provide a longer and better quality of life.Former President Ronald Reagan used ABM to fight his skin cancer, which helped publize the mushroom.Research Studies for more than 30 years has shown:Anti-tumor effect.Enhancing the immune system with incredibily 3000 %Cancer inhibition effectAnti-canser and metastase inhibition effect. A remarcable canser prevention rate of 99,4 %Reducing blood sugar. Effective in fighting diabetes.Controlling blood pressure. Lowers cholesterol level and eases arteriosclerosis.Studies in Japan showing ABM to be 80% more effective than PSK. ( # 1 cancer drug )The following people may obtain beneficial rsults by using ABM:* People with an impaired or supressed immune system from any cause.* People with a high occurrence of infectious diseases, including colds and flu.* People with allergies or skin conditions, including skin cancer.* People undergoing chemotherapy and/or radiation. ( Not so bad side-effects )* People over the age of 40 when the immune system starts to slow down.* People affected by extra free radical production. ( UV-radiation, toxic chemicals etc)* People with chronic diseases such as Diabetes, Chronic fatigue, Chronic inflammation.* Professional and amateur athletes or anyone who works out intensively.* People under severe physical or emotional stress.* People with arteriosclerosis.Pharma West can supply the highest quality extracted ABM from Brazil.400 mg in each capsule, equivalent to 1600 mg mushroom.Looking for distributors.
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