Choices: Papaya Cream Scrub and Ginger Salt Scrub.Our finest and delicate scrub will gently remove dead cells from the skin`s surface, leaving it remarkably silky smooth and conditioned.It will also increase blood circulation, stimulate the elimination of toxin, and promote skin`s freshness and softness. A soft scent will revitalize the senses.
Cantaloup is excellent for cooling, light cleanser, or moisturizer for the skin. Cantaloupe has a very watery flesh which is very refreshing and rich in vitamins B and C. It is cooling, healing and so
This delicate and gentle formula softly exfoliate & remove dead skin cells, leaving it smooth, supple, and refreshed while balancing the natural moisture levels and stimulating blood flow.This product
Lychee is a good source of Vitamin C, Phosphorous, Potassium and Calcium. Its actions include astringent and tonic which is a cooling and soothing properties.Contain:Foam Burst Shower MousseFoam Burst
Mangos contain more vitamin C than citrus fruits and rich and in sugars and organic acid. It acts as astringent and revitalize the skin as well as increase skin suppleness and clarity.Contain:Foam Bur
Passion Fruit is an excellent source of Vitamin A and C and rich in restorative bioelements. It increases skin moisture, make the skin soft, refresh and healthy, and also has protective and regenerati