Hands Free Monitoring System
Functions :1) 4 digital displays in management center2) Management center can be mated with 331 host units3) Direct dialog can be realized between management center and host unit4) Management center c
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MODEM Online Telephone Alarm System
Functions: 1) The alarm can transmit to a fixed phone or to the online police station 2) Can be equipped with the alarm horn/flash bulb, used for the spot alarm3) Chinese menu supported, easy and simp
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Single Villa Type Video Intercom System
Functions:1) One outdoor unit can connect with 1 to 6 indoor units2) Can monitor outdoor unit area from the indoor unit3) The door set is equipped with infrared diodes to ensure clear pictures at nigh
Straight Way Intercom System
Functions:1) Back lit display for night time visibility2) Can intercom with the indoor unit, and indoor unit can unlockoutdoor unit3) Press the room number key on the outdoor unit to call the indoorun
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Straight Way Intercom System
Functions:1) Back lit display for night time visibility2) Can intercom with the indoor unit, and indoor unit can unlockoutdoor unit3) Press the room number key on the outdoor unit to call the indoorun
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Villa Type Video Intercom System
Functions:1) This system can be mated with 1 - 3 indoor units2) The outdoor unit can call the indoor unit 3) While using the intercom the user can unlock the elec-lock on the outdoor by the indoor uni
MODEM Online Telephone Alarm System
Functions:1) The alarm can transmit to a fixed phone or to the online policestation2) Can be equipped with the alarm horn/flash bulb, used for the spotalarm3) Chinese menu supported, easy and simple f
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Single Villa type Video Intercom System
Functions:1) One outdoor unit can connect with 1 to 6 indoor units2) Can monitor outdoor unit area from indoor unit3) The door set is equipped with infrared diodes to ensure clearpictures in the night
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Single Villa Type Video Intercom System
Functions:1) One outdoor unit can connect with 1 to 6 indoor units2) Can monitor outdoor unit area from indoor unit3) The door set is equipped with infrared diodes to ensure clearpictures in the night