Producer information
Company: AGL Computer Parts Sales Department |
Address: 4B083, Building 3, Huaqiang Electronic World, Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China (Mainland) |
Phone: +86-755-82869065/82869067 |
HS Latest offer USB Flash Drive2208
--------- USB Flash Drive -----------Price Listing:Original productsOEM USB 2.0 Flash Drive (128-128)128MB $7.50OEM USB 2.0 Flash Drive (256-256)256MB $8.50OEM USB 2.0 Flash Drive (512-512)512MB $11.00OEM USB 2.0 Flash Drive (1GB-1GB)1.0GB $19.00OEM USB 2.0 Flash Drive (2GB-2GB)2.0GB $33.00OEM USB 2.0 Flash Drive (4GB-4GB)4.0GB $62.00Features1) Stylish design for exclusive gifts and premium brands2) Take large files from work to home without using e-mail or carrying notebooks3) Replace the cumbersome external floppy on your notebook4) Replaces zips, floppies, and CDs - no need for zip drives, floppy drives, CDRWs5) No external power supply or cable required - just plug in and use6) Optional password protection7) Ready to withstand harsh working environments and protect your valuable data8) LED indicator light shines through the case indicating the USB Flash drive`s status
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