Producer information
Company: TRIUP International Corp. |
Address: RM1103,321 Modern Times Mansion Zhongshan South Rd,Baixia District, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China (Mainland) Zip: 210001 |
Phone: +86-25-52334136 +52334236 |
100mA Medical X-Ray Diagnostic Units
Specifications:1) One table, one tube2) Single-phase, full wave, high voltage rectification3) Equipped with the manostat for filament of x-ray tube and space-chargecompensator as to ensure the stable and accurate output4) Protective devices for x-ray tube capacity, KV mAs interlock limitation5) Adopts the digital circuit timer, grade according to R10 priority coefficient6) Diagnostic table, motor driven table tilting with vibrating Bucky underthe table tube stand7) Spot film device with self-centering holder for cassettes of different sizes8) Floor rail type tube stand with convenience
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