Fiber Ball Filter and Nut Shell Filter
The function of GQLT model fiber ball filter is the same as other filters, that is,removing the suspending matter in water. The fiber ball filter has contact cohesioneffect with the suspending grain in water owing to its large surface acreageand high interspace rate, so the suspending grain can be attached and left atthe filter material layer. Since the filter material is soft and the interspace ischangeable, the filter layer can form an ideal top-loose bottom-compact distributionstatus according to the working pressure and the weight of filter itself whenfiltering. It can fully play the deep filth attaching ability. The filter gravity is slightlylarger than water, so it is easy for backwashing. This equipment can bemechatronicalized according to client`s requirements. The crust of the equipment ismade of steel material.Filtering speed: 30m/hSuspending matter removal rate: 85-965%Designed pressure: 0.6MPaBackwashing intensity: 0.5/minNut shell filterGHLT model oily wastewater filter is a new type wastewater filter that uses nut shellas filter medium. Nut shell has strong absorption ability, steady chemical property,high intensity and good wearability. This equipment is ideal for petrochemicalwastewater treatment and other oily wastewater deep treatment. This equipmentadopts backwashing method and mechanical stirring to achieve the rebirthof filter material. The filter material has good oil-proof ability, efficient filthcutting capability and it needn`t replace new filter. Every year, merely 10%of supplement of filter is needed. The water outlet can be designed as required,running in series or in parallel connection. It can also be mechatronicalized.The crust of the equipment is made of steel material.Filtering speed: 20m/hSuspending matter removal rate: 75-80%Oil removal rate: 85-95%Designed pressure: 0.6MPaBackwashing intensity: 0.3/min
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