Automotive In Car GPS Navigator
NAV550Automotive In-Car GPS NavigatorTaiwan ftech is announcing Total soluion of Automotive In-Car Navigation NAV550 by own factory.No MP3 extra loading , just only NavigationSimple to use, Free to Go
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Automotive In-Car GPS Navigator
Automotive In-Car GPS NavigatorTaiwan ftech is announcing Total soluion of Automotive In-Car Navigation NAV550 by own factory.No MP3 extra loading , just only NavigationSimple to use, Free to GoCapabl
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Automotive In-Car GPS Navigator
NAV550Automotive In-Car GPS NavigatorTaiwan ftech is announcing Total soluion of Automotive In-Car Navigation NAV550 by own factory.No MP3 extra loading, just only NavigationSimple to use, Free to GoC
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Bt15 Mr Low Cost Bluetooth Gps Receiver
Taiwan ftechBluetooth GPS receiver bt15mr is feathured with 32 channel all in view high sensitivity-158 dbm tracking devcie.Compatatible with all navigation software and handheld device such as PDA an
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Bt15 Xr Bluetooth Gps Receiver
Taiwan ftech Bluetooth GPS Receiver BT15XR is featured with 32/20 channel all in view high sensitivity -158/-159 dBm tracking device.Compatible with all navigation software and handheld device such as
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BT15MR 32 Channel Bluetooth Gps Receiver
BT15 MR Bluetooth GPS ReceiverTaiwan ftech Bluetooth GPS Receiver BT15MR is feathured with 32 channel all in view high sensitivity -158 dBm tracking devcie.Compatatible with all navigation software an