MP4 Watch With FM Radio
1.1.5",260K OLED true color screen, high resolution 128*128 pixel image2.Showing time and date, style is outstanding3.Supports MP3, WMA and MP4 (SMV) format, 8hours continue playing music4.Support JPE
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Ps2 Memory Card
Memory capacity ranges from 8mb to 64 mb.Compatible with all games
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SD Card 4gb
The secure digital (SD) memory card is a flash memory storage deviceDesigned to meet the security, capacity, performance and environmental requirements inherent in emerging audio and video consumer el
Sunglasses MP3
Polarized lens and TR 90 frame;Compatible formats: MP3, WMA, ADPCM ;Capacity: 128MB to 1GBStandard USB port ;Continuous playing time: 8 hours ;Recharging time: 2 hours ;230mAh / 3.7V macromolecule pol
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USB Drive
1) Supports Windows 98SE / ME / 2000 / XP / MAC OS / Linux2) USB memory drive with version 2.03) Memory size: 128MB / 256MB / 512MB / 1GB/2GB/4GB/8GB4) Reading speed: 900KBps (depend on computer confi
USB Flash Drive
1) Supports Windows 98SE / ME / 2000 / XP / MAC OS / Linux2) USB memory drive with version 2. 03) Memory size: 128MB / 256MB / 512MB / 1GB / 2GB / 4GB / 8GB4) Reading speed: 900KBps (depend on compute
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1. 8 In TFT Screen MP4 Player
1.8" TFT 256K color display;Play MTV/AMV movies;Support MP3/ WMA music format;Memory capacity up to 2GBUSB 2.0 high speed;ID3 tag, Lyrics display;Voice recording;Electronic album-JPEG;Built-in FM radi