Through 30 years of experience in this field, ()Delta is able to meet any customer requirements in the market. ()Our products range from switching power transformers, line filters, ()inverter transfo
Core Technology LCD Rear Projector ()42`` Large Display ()LCD base,VGA up XGA resolution ()Powerfur PIP Design:Watch DVD movie,TV programs and check on internet at the time ()Zero Radiation ()Flicker
Power system range: up to 5000 watts ()Modular, redundant, hot swappable power systems for high reliability ()Capability to manufacture standard & custom-built power supplies for ()PC, Server/Worksta
All models feature high efficiency ()Very compact size and low profile ()Use of ASIC, hybrid circuits & thin film technology ()Together with our experience of high-density DC-DC converter for ()Milit
25mm-170mm with 5V, 12V, 24V, 48V DC voltage input ()``Sensflow fan`` with temperature sensor control ()New blade shape design featuring extra low noise, high air flow and air pressure ()45mm-160mm b
Over 700 stnadard part numbers that are UL &CSA recognized, CSA certified, VDE approved,CE compiled ()Some part numbers approved by SEMKO, DEMKO, FIMKO & SEV. ()Sophisticated custom-design capability