Address: No.2-1,Baixiang Road,Beibaixiang Town, Yueqing, Zhejiang, China (Mainland)
Phone: +86-577-62898801
This kind of interrupted power supply uses the highest technique inpower supply manufacturing. It is especially for computers, and hasadvantages such as smart appearance, full function, and high efficiency.It is suitable for computers, test equipment, lighting systems, safety alarmsystems, X-ray systems, communication systems, medical equipment,duplicators, stereo sound equipment, industrial automatic equipment,color film developing equipment, digital control machine tools, checkoutequipment, TV sets, and office appliances.
Developing and produce of:Miniature Circuit BreakerMoulded Case Circuit Breaker,Earth Leakage Circuit BreakerResidual Current Circuit Breaker,Residual Current Device,Air Circuit Breaker,Motor Protecti