3/8`` Reversible Air Drill
Composite plastic design ()CE certificate ()Light weight compact size and easy to h,andle ()Provides full power in forward and reverse ()Equipped with a built in muffler for noise r,eduction ()Planet
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3/8`` Reversible Air Drill
1800 rpm ()Lightweight compact size & easy to handle ()Provides full power in forward ,& reverse ()Equipped with a built in muffler for noise reduction ()Planetary gear system for long li,fe ()Disc c
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3/8`` Reversible Angle Air Drill
CE certificate ()Compact design for close clearance operation ()2 gear drvie system , ()Light weight for fatingue free handling () () () () (),
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30 degree 1/4`` Angle Grinder
Composite plastic design ()CE certificate ()No gear design ()Fits comfortably in t,he palm of your hand ()Allows for extended use with little strain on the hand and wrist ()Lever t,hrottle for feathe
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1/4`` Medium Die Grinder
0.9 horse power tool ()CE certificate ()Clipper-built grip ()Compact and light ,weight ()Lever throttle for feather control ()Ribbed textured handle provides a firm grip ()Fr,ont exhaust air flow sys
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Posirive grip-1/4 ``Capacity Collect Chuck ()Compact and lightweight ()Lever throttle ,for feathering control ()Rib textust air flow system direct air ()Rear exhaust air flow system direc,ts air away