Address: Factory Building 4/F, No. 4, Tangdong East Road, Tangdong Village, Tianhe, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China (Mainland)
Phone: +86-20-85572236 +85572237 +85545366
Professional Gun Camera
1.3 mega pixel module specifications:1) Array element: 1,280 x 1,024 (SXGA), 640 x 480 (VGA)2) Pixel size: 5.2 x 10^(-3)mm x 5.2 x 10^ (-3)mm3) Image area: 6.66mm x 5.32mm4) Sensing area: 1/2"5) Output: 10-bit digital RGB raw data (original data)6) Max. frame rate: 15 fps for SXGA 30fps for VGA7) Electronics exposure: 1050:1 for SXGA 500:1 for VGA8) Scan mode: progressive9) Gamma correction: N/A10) Sensitivity: 1V/Lux-sec S/N ratio: 54dB11) Dark current: 28mV/s12) Dynamic range: 69dB13) Power supply: 3.3 VDC and 2.5 VDC (+/- 5%)14) Power requirements:15) Package 48 pin LCC16) USB signaling speed17) FX2 operates at two of the three rates defined in the universalserial bus specification18) Revision 2.0, datea) Full speed, with a signaling bit rate of 12Mbpsb) High speed, with a signaling bit rate of 480Mbps19) FX2 does not support the low-speed signaling mode of 1.5Mbps2.0 mega pixel module specifications:1) Array element: 1600 x 1200 (UXGA), 800 x 600 (SVGA)2) Pixel size: 4.2 x 10^(-3)mm x 4.2 x 10^(-3)mm3) Image area: 6.72mm x 5.04mm4) Lens size: 1/2"5) Output: 10-bit digital RGB raw data (original data)6) Max. frame rate: 10fps for UXGA 40fps for SVGA7) Electronics exposure: 1230:1 for UXGA 614:1 for SVGA8) Scan mode: progressive9) Sensitivity: 1V/Lux-sec S/N ratio: 54dB10) Dark current: 28mV/s11) Dynamic range: 60dB (due to ADC limitations)12) Power supply: 2.5 VDC +/- 10% (core) and 3.3 VDC +/- 10%(Analog)13) Power requirements:14) USB signaling speed15) FX2 operates at two of the three rates defined in the universalserial bus specification16) Revision 2.0, datea) Full speed, with a signaling bit rate of 12Mbpsb) High speed, with a signaling bit rate of 480Mbps17) FX2 does not support the low-speed signaling mode of 1.5Mbps3.0 mega pixel module specifications:1) Array element: 2,048 x 1,536 (QXGA) 1,024 x 768 (XGA)2) Pixel sze: 3.18 x 10^(-3)mm x 3.18 x 10^(-3)mm3) Image area: 6.59mm x 4.90mm4) Lens size: 1/2"5) Output: 10-bit digital RGB raw data (original data)6) Max. frame rate: 7.5 fps for QXGA 20 fps for XGA7) Electronics exposure: 1550:1 for QXGA 780:1 for XGA8) Scan mode: progressive9) Sensitivity: >1V/Lux-sec10) S/N ratio: 46dB11) Dark current: 0.5 at room temp/30 mV/s12) Dynamic range: 60dB (due to ADC limitations)13) Power supply: 1.8 VDC +/- 5% (core) and 3.3 VDC +/- 5% (Analog)14) Power requirements:15) USB signaling speed16) FX2 operates at two of the three rates defined in the universalserial bus specification17) Revision 2.0, datea) Full speed, with a signaling bit rate of 12Mbpsb) High speed, with a signaling bit rate of 480Mbps18) FX2 does not support the low-speed signaling mode of 1.5Mbps5.0 mega pixel module specifications:1) Array element: 2592 x 1944 (QSXGA)2) 1280 x 960 (SXGA)3) Pixel size: 7.33 x 10^(-3)mm x 5.44 x 10^(-3)mm4) Image area: 6.59mm x 4.90mm5) Lens size: 1/1.8"6) Output: 10-bit digital RGB raw data (original data)7) Max. frame rate: 4 fps for QSXGA 15 fps for SXGA8) Electronics exposure: 1998:1 for QSXGA 978:1 for SXGA9) Scan mode: progressive10) Sensitivity: >1V/Lux-sec11) Dark current: 10 at 60 deg.C mV/s12) Dynamic range: 60dB (due to ADC limitations)13) Power supply: 1.8 VDC +/- 5% (core) and 3.3 VDC +/- 5% (Analog)14) Power requirements:15) USB signaling speed16) FX2 operates at two of the three rates defined in the universal serialbus specification17) Revision 2.0, datea) Full speed, with a signaling bit rate of 12Mbpsb) High speed, with a signaling bit rate of 480Mbps18) FX2 does not support the low-speed signaling mode of 1.5Mbps
Features:1) 7P/12V and 24V spiral cable2) TPE cable 6 x 1.0+1 x 1.5 square millimeter, with hand hook injection plastic plugs coil diameter 50mm, work length 3.0m, maximum extension length 4.5m
Features:1) 7P/12V and 24V spiral cable2) TPE cable 6 x 1.0+1 x 1.5 square millimeter, with hand hook injection plastic plugs coil diameter 50mm, work length 3.0m, maximum extension length 4.5m