DT-96 Automatic Seamless Jacquard Knitting Machine
DT model of automatic seamless jacquard knitting machine, based on thetraditional band crochet, is to replace the hand with machines in operation.After some renovation, the latest model of automatic knitting machines isproduced. It can well imitate the hand knitting and weave all kinds of laces,with a quality and unification of the laces that cannot be reached by anyhand knitting. Laces produced by this kind of machine are widely used onall kinds of slap-up costumes, under-wears, curtains, shoes, caps andbed clothing.Our machines use the digital control computer for industry. They arefully automatized and intelligentized. Our machines have an ingeniousstructure with fine quality parts. The new design is free from the oldmechanical paper card technique and the related mechanical driving setup,thus making it more reliable in operation with few malfunctions. The lacesproduces by this machine are fine and attractive. And the lace maymanufacture the single design circulation to surpass 10,000 cards,which cannot be achieved by the old mechanical machines.A computer design system is collocated with this machine, with whichthe lace design work becomes easy and simple. Therefore, productionefficiency is greatly improved and production cost is greatly reduced.The machine can us all different kinds of material for knitting, for example,pure cotton, hemp, silk, wool and all kinds of chemical fibers. It needs noaccessorial equipment to start production, which results in little investmentbut fast benefit.We would like to express our gratitude hereby to all our customers.Meanwhile, we guarantee to you that we offer free training for the useand repair of the machine once you decide to use our machines.
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