Portable Building
Our versatile prefab portable building is made of special shaped steel (galvanized).Thegirders and stairs of our portable building are welded. Doors and windowsare made of aluminum alloy.Advantages of our portable building:1.Reliable structure: light steel structure is the frame of our building, which meetsthe design requirements of steel structure.2.Easy to install and disassemble:Standardized components make it easy to easy to install and dismantle. It is especiallysuitable for emergency projects.3.Attractive appearance: Because prepainted steel sheet is adopted, the whole structure is handsome.4.Environmentally friendly and economical: Reasonable design makes it reusable. Thereusable character makes it environmentally friendly and economical.5.Cost efficient: First class material, reasonable price, once and for all investment,low requirements for base and short completion time make it cost efficient.6.Relocatable:It can be relocated up to 10 times. It has 15to 20 years durability.Other advantages: Various specifications are available. It is of high strength andshock resistance. It is well insulated against sound and heat.Uses: Ideal for temporary applications including temporary dormitory, school, hospital, exhibition hall, garage, gas station, shop, office and toilet, etc.
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