1 ADSL/Cable RJ-45 port with 4 10/100BASE-TX dual speed Switch ports()All Switch ports support N-Way, and Full/Half-Duplex operation mode()Supports IP sharing and Web Management()Supports DHCP server, and NAT()Supports VPN, compatible with Microsoft PPTP()Dial-on-demand and automatic disconnect()PAP, and CHAP authentications protocols()Supports ISDN/PSTN WAN Backup via RS-232 port(),
19``Rack Mount ADSL/Cable Switch Router()Supports IP sharing and Print Server ()Supports PPPoE()Supports VPN, compatible with Microsoft PPTP()PAP and CHAP authentications protocols()Supports DHCP ser
Wireless LAN(WLAN) PC Card, PCMCIA Type II()Robust, interference-resistant, and secure wireless transmission()IEEE 802.11b DSSS compliant, DSSS 11Mbps()Supports AD hoc(peer to peer) and infrastructur
Wireless LAN(WLAN) Card PCI Bus ()Robust, interference-resistant, and secure wireless transmission()IEEE 802.11b DSSS compliant, DSSS 11Mbps()Supports AD hoc(peer to peer) and infrastructure network
IEEE 802.11b DSSS compliant,2.4GHz ISM Band DSSS 11Mbps() 1 RS-323C Port for Console Management and 1 10/100Mbps LAN Port()Supports SNMP, Web, Telnet and Utility Management()Wireless Roaming & IP Tun
1.Desktop wireless LAN (WLAN) bridge/Router 2.Support IP Tunnel and Roaming,both 802.11a (54Mbps) and 802.11b (11Mbps) 3.One RS-232C port for console management and one 10/100Mbps Ethernet port 4.IEE
Desktop Stackble Dual Speed Hub ()8 ports 10/100BASE-TX dual speed including one uplink port(#8)()Stackable with MDH-808/MDHR-8203/MDHR-8103I()Supports maximum 6 Hubs per stack()10Mbps to 100Mbps Swi
1 ADSL/Cable RJ-45 WAN port, 10/100BASE-TX LAN port, 1 DMZ port ()Extemal and Internal Policy()Detects SYN, ICMP/UDP, IP Spoofing and Port Scan Attack()User Authentication-Authorized Access Only, Web