Producer information
Company: soundwin network inc. |
Address: 10F-4, 295 Kuangfu Rd., Sec 2 , Hsinchu , Taiwan |
Phone: +886-3-5733113 |
IP Phone with FXO
VoIP Application Features: •Answer PSTN call : Also can answer the PSTN call when using VoIP call. •Manual SelectRoute : User can select call by VoIP or PSTN route. •Voice Mail : User can play the message from caller in the IP Phone. IP Specification: H.323 v2/v3/v4 and SIP (RFC 2543/3261) , SDP (RFC 2327), Symmetric RTP, STUN (RFC3489), ENUM (RFC 2916) LAN :NAT, virtural, DHCP Server WAN: PPPoE client, DHCP client, Fix IP Address, DDNS client Network Address Translation: Providing build-in NAT router function. Smart QoS: Guarantee the voice bandwidth Call Features Call history(Incoming calls/Outgoing calls/Missed calls) Direct Call Mode : pear to pear call Register Call Mode : register to H.323 Gatekeeper or SIP Proxy Server Adjustable volume Hand free Speaker Phone Passing Through NAT
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