INetViewer @ @ INetViewer is generally called of using AutoCAD drawing file server Bhigh-capacity image server and high-capacity map server to collocate client extremity viewing component, and these three figure server allow user use component of client extremity to view Auto CAD drawing file Bhundreds MB of high-capacity image and web map. @ INetViewer client is a component design by ActiveX, allow programmer to lodge in to web page or software which to strengthen the function of web page or software Bsave lots of time and manpower by shorten the time of developing software. Furthermore, through the figure operation engine, we will speedy respond every move that user use high-capacity image file in client extremity, such as to enlarge Bto shrink or enlarge in part the figure K, it will only need few second, solve the problem that can t view high-capacity image file on line due to network @ @ Use the functions provide by InetViewer let the programer can develop powerful application form; therefore, InetViewer is specially designed for the programmer. AutoCAD drawing file server Can view the AutoCAD on line without AutoCAD in client extremity, and open or close part of layer or property, also allow printing on line. High-capacity image server Can view High-capacity Bhigh definition image file, and speedy respond every move in client extremity, such as to enlarge Bto shrink or enlarge in part the figure K, it will only take few second, and also link up with coordinates system in special image file such as satellite and geography information. High-capacity map server After combine High-capacity map file and vectors file, not only can view High-capacity high definition image file on-line, K K
INetViewer @ @ INetViewer is generally called of using AutoCAD drawing file server Bhigh-capacity image server and high-capacity map server to collocate client extremity viewing component, and these
MonitorSpy MonitorSpy is an easy use computer monitor, it provided with the ability, which monitor plenty computer at the same time, and control the situation of every computers. MonitorSpy provide t
MonitorSpy MonitorSpy is an easy use computer monitor, it provided with the ability, which monitor plenty computer at the same time, and control the situation of every computers. MonitorSpy provide t
MonitorSpy MonitorSpy is an easy use computer monitor, it provided with the ability, which monitor plenty computer at the same time, and control the situation of every computers. MonitorSpy provide t