Product Name:Maleic Rosin (115#)Specification:Application: Maleic rosin is used as a raw material for sizing agent. When it is used as reinforcing sizing agent its dosage may be reduced, compared with rosin sizing agent after saponification. Also, it is useful to dispersed sizing agent with emusifiers in order to reduce its dosage and alum, which can reduce the total cost of paper-making. Maleic rosin can be used as a raw material of resin for paints, adhesives and inks.Store & shipment: Store in cool place, avoid high temperature, taken away from fire and prohibit storing with oxidant agent.
Application: Maleic rosin is used as a raw material for sizing agent. When it is used as reinforcing sizing agent its dosage may be reduced, compared with rosin sizing agent after saponification. Also
Usage:Widely used in the industries including textile, chemical, medicine, leather-making, stationary, rolling lubricant, re dressing and paper making etc.
Usage:Widely used in the industries including textile, chemical, medicine, leather-making, stationary, rolling lubricant, re dressing and paper making etc.