Intel 82440BX based motherboard ()Support PII CPU up to 450/100 MHz and PIII 600 MHz ()Expansion Slots: 1AGP, 4xPCI, 3xISA ()4xDIMM, total memory up to 1024 MB ()ATX form factor () () () ()
Intel 82440BX based motherboard ()DIMMx3, total memory up to 768 MB ()Audio & Video on board ()Supports PII 500/100 MHz, Celeron 466/66 and PIII ready ()ACPI ready for PC 97 () () () ()
Support Intel`s FC-PGA CPU ()Based all new Intel 815 Chipset ()Mirco ATX Form Factor ()Built in i752 Graphics Engine ()Support AGP 4X ()DIMM*2, up to 512 MB of PC133 SDRAM ()Optional USB Hub, Panel L