Address: Zhuyou, Chenggang Road Street Office, Laizhou, Shandong, China (Mainland)
Phone: +86-535-2719337 +2719339 +2719553
Flectional Helix Conveyer
Features:1) Suitable for transmitting all kinds of powder, granule, ball orflake material2) The helix conveyer can transmit material in straight line andalso flectional transmission3) Due to its high flexibility, it enables operators to arrange allkinds of equipment conveniently4) The only motion part of flectional helix conveyer is the flexiblehelix: no matter how far the transmitting distance is, there isno other motion parts such as bearing in the transmitting pipe,therefore the property of machine is reliable5) It does not need to maintain nearly and the problem of pollutioncaused by lubricating grease of bearing will not take place6) Notably easy to clean: one person takes five minutes only todisassemble the machine and carry out clean work.7) The vertical height of transmission for each set of flectionalhelix conveyer will be as high as 10m and the horizontal distancewill be 25m8) If several machines are in series, the distance to be transmittedwill be father and higher
The grinding wheel incising machine can be used in construction, hardware, petroleumchemicals, machine, metallurgy, and installing of water and electricity fixture.It can incise circinal pipe material
The grinding wheel incising machine can be used in construction, hardware, petroleumchemicals, machine, metallurgy, and installing of water and electricity fixture.It can incise circinal pipe material
Features:1) Main content: 98% (min)2) Appearance: white powder3) Used in feed and for industry applicationsInner packing: 25kg/PP net bagOuter packing:Dimensions: 80 x 50cm
Product Name: Magnesium AcetateModel Number: Laiyu002Place of Origin: ChinaFeatures:1) Main content: 98% (min)2) Appearance: white powder3) Used in feed and for industry applicationsInner packing: 25k
Features:1) Main content 98% (min)2) Appearance: white powder3) Used in fertilizer and for environment protectionInner packing: 25kg/PP net bagOuter packing:Dimensions: 80 x 50cm
Product Name: Magnesium HydroxideModel Number: Laiyu004Place of Origin: ChinaFeatures:1) Main content 98% (min)2) Appearance: white powder3) Used in fertilizer and for environment protectionInner pack
Features:1) Main content 98% (min)2) Appearance: white flowing crystal3) Used in dehydrant of making nitrate, cineration and chemicalexperimentationInner packing: 25kg/PP net bagOuter packing:Dimensio