Address: Via Industria 1, Torri di Quartesolo, Vicenza, Italy
Phone: +39-0444-519215
Plastic Auxiliary Equipment And Machinery (Rf 2007036)
Italian company, established in 1985, has gained a place among the first five manufacturers of automations in the processing of plastic. With 3 branches in the world and a skilled sales network covering 48 countries, it proposes a series of customised solutions for a market growing day by day. Listening and innovation are the boost elements motivating a team of more than 200 people united in the aim to support and follow a technology strongly headed towards the future.The firm manufactures auxiliary equipment and machinery for the treatment of plastic materials, including dehumidifiers, hoppers, dryers, volumetric and gravimetric dosers, granulators, chillers thermoregulators and mould dehumidifiers.It offers cost effective solutions for storage, coveying, blending and drying plastic granules to the plastic processors in the field of automotive, electrical and electronic, medical, optical disc and lens, PET pre forms, packaging, injection and extrusion industries.The company wishes to get in touch with interested importers/wholesalers or sale agents and representatives in the field of plastic machinery.Target countries: Iran, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia.
Italian company, founded in the 80`s, is specialized in the moulding of thermosetting resins, fiberglass reinforced polyester, smc bmc, fenolic end melammine resins.The experience in working the fiber
Italian company, founded in the 80`s, is specialized in the moulding of thermosetting resins, fiberglass reinforced polyester, SMC BMC, fenolic end melammine resins.The experience in working the fiber
Italian company is the first producer of plastic nets for agriculture use in the world since it was established in 1958.The main types of nets it produces are: Anti-hail, shading nets, break-wind, ant
Italian company, established in 1975, specializes in manufacturing reproduction furniture and inlaid furniture.The ancient art of cabinet making in Lombardy finds in the company`s workshops, which wer
Italian company, born in the 90s, from then has endured a continuous evolution in the working techniques of stainless steel and it has gained a capacity to become one of the main operating companies i
Italian saltwork was built in 1884 and placed in the nature reserve of Trapani, runned by WWF. It is based on the exploitation of nature elements such as the evaporation of the sea water, the sun and
Italian firm was born in 1971 as a builder of special equipments and transfer tool machines mainly dedicated to the field of taps and fittings.Thanks to the attained flexibility and accurate calculati
Italian company, established in 1975, deals with spinning and weaving industries.The company wishes to get in touch with importers and sale agents of cotton wastes and spinning wastes in the following
Italian company, founded in 1978 in Castelgoffredo, international centre of hosiery in the province of Mantua, less than a hundred kilometers from Milan, which is an ultimate point of reference for fa
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