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5F-2 , #286-4 , Shin Ya Rd. , Chien Chen District , Kaohsiung , Taiwan , R.O.C.

Copper Tube Heater

Copper is applied in electric appliance under 199 J usage temperature C Nickel plated for using in water C Product is used in humidifier B kettle C

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Other goods of this manufacturer :
Flexible Heater
Flexible Heater (Flexible Heater)
Flexible foil`s thickness can reach to 0.2mm with high efficiency energy of heat and age long C Product is used for heat insulation blanket B hairdressing K Kand so on C
Gravity and Die Casting Heater
Gravity and Die Casting Heater (Gravity and Die Casting Heater)
We provide complete service from designing B molding Bcasting Bsurface finish C Product is used in rice cooker B electric iron B stew machine C
Humidifier Heater
Humidifier Heater (Humidifier Heater)
Good Quality
Infrared Heater
Infrared Heater (Infrared Heater)
Infra black-red wave ceramic heating element sends out heat evenly AIt owns high efficiency B low surface temperature and anti-corrosion C Product is used in coating Bcuring and vulcanizing C
Mica Heater
Mica Heater (Mica Heater)
Used for electric iron Belectric cooker B thermal reserving plate Bhumidifier and cosmetic thermal reserving plate C
Nickel Chrome heater
Nickel Chrome heater (Nickel Chrome heater)
Nickel-Chrome alloy tube is applied in electric appliance under 925 usage temperature C Stand more high temperature capacity than stainless steel and oxidation or corrosion is not easily C
Nickel Chrome heater
Nickel Chrome heater (Nickel Chrome heater)
Nickel-Chrome alloy tube is applied in electric appliance under 925 usage temperature C Stand more high temperature capacity than stainless steel and oxidation or corrosion is not easily C
Nickel Chrome heater
Nickel Chrome heater (Nickel Chrome heater)
Nickel-Chrome alloy tube is applied in electric appliance under 925 J usage temperature C Stand more high temperature capacity than stainless steel and oxidation or corrosion is not easily C
Oven(1) (Oven(1))
CNIN Series (1)Argon welded inside chamber. Outside wall gap is sealing with silicon (2)Employs USA imported idle gas flow meter. (3)Silicon packing resists high temperature up to 350 J. (4)Stainless

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