Address: 1F., No. 9, Lane 5, Chung Hsiao St., Chung Ho City, Taipei Hsein, Taiwan
Phone: +886-2-29487282
Jet Towel (hand dryer)
Within 10 second to dry the wet hands, enjoy a confortable hand dry. Sanitary device, elegant & bright design, safe & easy operation. Save more electricity power than general hand dryers.
Within 10 second to dry the wet hands, enjoy a confortable hand dry. Sanitary device, elegant & bright design, safe & easy operation. Save more electricity power than general hand dryers.
Within 10 second to dry the wet hands, enjoy a confortable hand dry. Sanitary device, elegant & bright design, safe & easy operation. Save more electricity power than general hand dryers.
Includes COG,COF,TAB, COB of LCD modules, for PDA, MP3, Card Reader, Medical Instrument, etc.; besides can support total solution modules like sub-LCM, main LCM, FPCB & backlight for cellular phone.
Solenoid is wildly adopted on family electric appliance, game m/c, vending m/c, office m/c, transportation equipment and other eletric appliance. Accurate procedure of producing and precision process
Solenoid is wildly adopted on family electric appliance, game m/c, vending m/c, office m/c, transportation equipment and other eletric appliance. Accurate procedure of producing and precision process
Solenoid is wildly adopted on family electric appliance, game m/c, vending m/c, office m/c, transportation equipment and other eletric appliance. Accurate procedure of producing and precision process