Producer information
Company: BREEZY BUD, INC. |
Phone: +886-2-29491728 |
Light-weight Ceramic Insulation Material
TM is a liquid ceramic insulation that performs extremely well on piping, air and heat duct work, exposed water pipes, oxygen lines, water tanks, steam lines and many other places. TM is an inexpensive alternative to the high cost of commercial insulations. Because it physically adheres to the surface that it is insulating, it significantly reduces corrosion and rust formations frequently found under conventional insulations. TM is a mixture of various components and ceramic beads immersed in a high quality latex base with acrylic binders. This combination of materials makes the product extremely light weight and pliable, therefore, it expands and contracts with the surface to which it is applied. TM works well on both convective and conductive heat and cold. It is impervious to water and not adversely affected by salt water. As this product is a liquid, it forms a continuous covering and not sectioned as installed conventional products. It also can form an excellent weatherproof coating over other forms of insulation. TM Insul-All operating temperatures are from 85 XF to 400 XF. It can be applied to surfaces with temperatures ranging from 45 XF. to 350 XF. On hot surfaces, beginning coats must be thin to avoid blistering.
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