Acrylic Round Series
P-L-AC057-1 Acrylic amber round mouth-washing mug PC/plastic bag 12PCS/3 layers corrugated paper middle-sized carton 72PCS/5 layers corrugated paper outer carton 1.2 P-L-AC058-1 Acrylic amber round teeth brush rack PC/plastic bag 12PCS/3 layers corrugated paper middle-sized carton 72PCS/5 layers corrugated paper outer carton 1.3 P-L-AC059-1 Acrylic amber round lotion can and P-L-03 hardware electroplated bright pump PC/plastic bag 12PCS/3 layers corrugated paper middle-sized carton 72PCS/5 layers corrugated paper outer carton 1.83 P-L-AC060-1 Acrylic amber round soap box 12PCS / 3 layers corrugated paper middle-sized carton 72PCS / 5 layers corrugated paper outer carton 0.8
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