Soft Skin Mask
A rich content of numerous nutritious substances effectively improve skin as well as enhancegrowth and metabolism of skin cells. A continuous 14-day use would help improve your skin rapidly, and a long-term use would make your skin softer Ingredient: Cellex-C, collagen, hyaluronic acid, extracts of aloe, extracts of witch hazel, ion water Instruction : Put the sheet on face and take off the polystyrene paper,and press the sheet slightly to make it applied on face. Take of the sheet 10-20 minutes later and use one cle- Effect : 1. Regulate pigment, avoid sedimentation of pigment, and recover a soft stockin. 2. High moisturizing and nourishing factors offer skins the necessary moisture and nutritious substances that helps improve and revive skin, achieving an effect of softness and making your skin look radiant an cloth to wipe the face.
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