SPECIFICATIONA: Maximum power: 100W Minimum power: 90W Rated current Inp: 5.88A Rated voltage: 17V Nominal voltage: 12V Short circuit current Isc: 6.92A Open circuit voltage Voc: 21.4V Dimentions (L*W*H): 1306*666*38 mm Type of pseudosquare: 102.8 mm cell Number of cells (configuration): 72 (6*12) Weight: 7.7 kg Insulation resistance, MOhm, not less than: --normal climatic condition: 10.0 --at 70 degree C: 3.0 --at the end of moisture tests: 0.5 Service conditions: --ambient air temperature: -45~+40 degree C --module limit operating temperatures: -50~+75 degree C --air relative humidity at 25 degree C: 100% maximum --atmospheric pressure: 84.0~106.7 kPa CHARACTERISTICS: At vibrating loads within the frequency range from 1 to 35 Hz and acceleration up to 0.5g After exposure to: --solar radiation with the integral density of luminious flux not in excess of 1500 W/m*m --including ultraviolet flux density (wavelength 280-400 um) 68 W/m*m --rain with the density of 5 mm/min --salt fog --snow or sleet-wind load up to 2000 Pa Module service life is at least 20 years Guaranty period is 10 years