It is an RM-4, RM-6, RM-8, RM-10, EP-7, EP-10, EP-13 series communication transformer ()Common uses include telecommunication products like switching networks or for ISDN line checking () () () () ()
The ET, EE, UU, and UT series are often used in power supplies for EMI filtration. ()Typical applications include computer monitors, VCRs, fax machines, scanners () () () () () () ()
This inverter is an AC/DC lamp driver for powering cold cathode fluorescent lamps and EL panels. ()On EL panels it servers as a low profile backlight for the LCD display modules ()LCD panel sizes inc
The in-house SMT and auto-insert machines are completed by a computerized in-circuit tester ()The facilities offer low cost, high efficiency reliable packaging ()The housing assemble can be arranged
This 18W, 36W, 60W switching power adapter was designed for LCD monitors and notebook computers ()It offers low costs and incredible efficiency while maintaining high safety standards () () () () ()
Likewise in category "Power Transformers and Electric Inductivity Coils":