Photo MOS Relay (also called Solid State Relay) is used mainly to control the switch of output pole connection, which provides 1A, 1B, 2B, 1C, and 1 photo coupler + 1 MOS connectors. ()Its characteristics are high voltage, low impedance, compact package, anti-vibration, contractor-less or multiple to connector combination and quick response to high frequency. ()Main application: Multiplex transmission, electronics switch, I/O system, Counter, instrument, telecommunication, OA equipment, and security ()Package: Surface Mount, Through hole, and sop package available () () () () ()
MOS relay (so called Solid State Relay) is used mainly to control the switch of output pole connection, which provides 1A,1B,2A,2B,1C and 1 photo coupler+1 MOS connectors. Its characteristics are hig
Reed Relay is mechnical switch operation which controls output pole connection. ()The contactors may include 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 2B, or 2C. ()The main characteristics are integrated mounting package, com
Solid State Relay is an electronic state relay. Its itnernal structure is an integrated mounting package of semiconductor electronics and electronics circuit board. Its main characteristics are resis
Photo Coupler is used for electronic isolation operation. Devices of the Photo Coupler family include Photo Transistor, Photo Darlington Transistor, Photo Triac, and OPIC These devices have the chara